City of Chicago Low Cost Vaccine Clinic

Chicago Animal Care & Control is hosting a low cost vaccine clinic for City of Chicago Residents at 2741 S. Western Ave.
from 9am-12pm on the following dates:
Wednesday on 9/18/2013
Wednesday on 10/16/2013

Vaccine Clinic Rules:
Only open to City of Chicago Residents.
Only the first 100 animals will be serviced. Numbers will be distributed beginning at 830am.
Only 2 pets per household are allowed at each clinic.
Owner MUST be 18 years of age with valid ID.
All Pets over 4 months of age MUST have a current rabies vaccination.
Ally Dogs over 4 months of age MUST have current dog license or you will be required to purchase one at the the time of the clinic.(Proof of rabies vaccine is required.)
All Dogs MUST be on leash or in carrier.
All Cats MUST be in a carrier.
If your pet requires a muzzle during vaccinations or around other animals, you MUST bring your own. Muzzles are not available at the clinic.
You MUST be able to handle your dog around other animals.

Preferred method of payment is debit/ credit card or personal check.
If you are paying by cash, you must have exact change.

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