Bringing a New Dog Home!
by lpyrbby October 5, 2014 Planning On Bringing a New Dog Home? Or perhaps you’ve already brought a new dog home and are having problems? There are several things to …
To the world you may be just one person, To a rescued animal you are the world!
by lpyrbby October 5, 2014 Planning On Bringing a New Dog Home? Or perhaps you’ve already brought a new dog home and are having problems? There are several things to …
We wanted to thank Macho’s family, the Sweeney’s, for sending Duke a much needed thundershirt. Thundershirts help dogs and cats with some anxiety in the same way that swaddling offers …
*Please be sure that your puppy is vaccinated and uptd for their health. Do not take your puppy out and socialize until it has received it’s first round of “5 …
Socialization is crucial for puppies. By the time a puppy is seven weeks old he/she should have: Been on 7 different types of surfaces: carpet, concrete, wood, vinyl, grass, dirt, …